Floor sanding and polishing Sydney, North Shore and Northern Beaches

Flooring tips for winters

Winter is a time of rainy days and keeping warm indoors but what effect can winter days have on your timber flooring and how can you keep it safe? Here’s some tips to ensure your timber floors survive this winter and many more to come.

Style With Rugs

Winter is a great excuse to deck your timber flooring out with designer and stylish mats and rugs. Not only will it keep the cold from coming through the floor boards and keep you warmer through those cold winter days but it will look fantastic too! Stylise and keep warm at the same time by adding rugs on your timber floors.

Clean Up Wet Feet

One of the unavoidable parts of winter is the rainy days and with this comes the inevitable wet foot prints trampled throughout the house and all over your beautifully polished timber flooring. Moisture and water can damage your timber floors, so that’s why it’s so important to clean up muddy and wet foot prints as soon as they happen.

Mats At Doors

The best way to stop those muddy and wet foot prints coming into the house is to ensure you have a way of stopping it before it hits the timber floors. Having mats at the front door and runners in the entrance way is a great way to wipe off that excess moisture from shoes before coming into the house and walking over the timber floors.

Pets & Mud

Our pets love nothing more than running through the mud and the wet in the backyard but this can have dire consequences for your timber floors. As pets don’t tend to wipe their feet before entering the house (it would be nice if they did!) you need to instil other measures to get that excess mud and wet off their paws. A simple wipe down after walks and play should do the trick to maintain timber floors.

Abacus Flooring have over 25 years of experience and they are the professionals when it comes to timber floor sanding and timber floor polishing to survive winters.

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