timber floor sanding north shore

How a wrong Timber Flooring company can become your worst Nightmare!!

Having your timber floors sanded and polished can bring new life to tired timber floor boards but if you choose the wrong company, it can become your worst nightmare. Here’s just some of the problems that can arise if you go with someone with less experience and know-how to do the job right.

An Even Pace

When timber floor sanding is carried out the sanding expert must glide the machine across your timber flooring at a steady and completely even pace. Failure to do so will result in uneven surfaces and can even cause scratches to the timber. That’s why it’s so important to choose the right timber floor sanding company.

Even Direction

Just like when you mow the lawns at home, the same must be done when sanding timber floors. The timber sander must go in even straight lines and not randomly across the floors. This ensures that all surfaces are smooth and have an even finish. Poor floor sanding companies will not follow this practice and it could end up in a disaster.

The Right Equipment

There are three main pieces of equipment that are used in timber floor sanding and each piece is vital. One is for the large surface areas, one gets into edging and skirting boards and one is used to get right into corners. If your floor sanding company cuts corners and doesn’t utilise each piece of machinery then this can result in dreaded uneven surfaces.

Using Quality Finishes

When it comes to timber floor polishing, the finishes that are used are vital. There are a lot of cheap and nasty alternatives out there and although they may seem great when they come in below budget, they may do more harm than good and give a poor finish. Worst of all, then you have to live with it! Choosing a quality timber floor polisher will ensure you get a finish that does your timber floors justice.

Choosing the Right Company

Abacus Flooring have been operating throughout Sydney and the Northern Beaches for 27 years and they only use the best techniques, polishes and equipment to ensure your timber floor polish and sanding is done with the utmost care and precision. Don’t risk a poor job, call the experts at Abacus Flooring!

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